I have two almost identical forms (Form4 and Form5) that have several common items but handle different data. I am trying to write a helper function that will take either of these forms.
Both forms are created dynamically.
So far I am able to write the function that processes the data from Form4 [Process(TForm4 *F)]. I cannot do the same from Form5 because the helper function is specific to TForm4.
From Form4
Edit1Exit(Tobject *Sender){
From Form5
Edit1Exit(Tobject *Sender){
Process(TForm4 *F){
// Do something like F->BitBtn1->Visible=false;
The problem is that Process( ) is written for TForm4 so it won't accept TForm5.
How do I declare Process() so that it will take either form.
In general, you will have three options:
void Process(TForm4* F) {
/// do things
void Process(TForm5* F) {
/// do things
class TFormBase {
// common virtual interface, and a virtual destructor
class TForm4 : public TFormBase {
// implementation of the interface + data members
class TForm5 : public TFormBase {
// implementation of the interface + data members
void Process(TFormBase* F) {
// interact with F via the virtual interface
template<typename T>
void Process(T* F) {
// interact with the classes; assumes a common interface
For simplicity, I've omitted a lot of details, but this should get you started.