I am using AdonisJs and I am trying to fetch all projects and the sum of the estimate time of their tasks.
My code looks like this
const entities = await Project.query()
.with('task', (builder) => {
builder.sum('estimate as estimateTime')
.where({ account_id: accountId })
What I expect is for the query to look like this: SELECT "project_id", SUM("estimate") AS "estimateTime" FROM "project_tasks" WHERE "project_id" IN (5,6,1,2) GROUP BY "project_id"
but the actual query is: SELECT "project_id", SUM("estimate") AS "estimateTime" FROM "project_tasks" WHERE "project_id" = 5 AND "project_id" IN (5,6,1,2) GROUP BY "project_id"
It seems that it adds this additional clause "project_id" = 5 when I add builder.sum('estimate as estimateTime') to the query.
I know I can build this query by myself, but I want to get advantage of the other relationships of the Project Model.
Any ideas how can I get around this?
In order to get the sum in relation you will need the Database helper. So your query should look like this:
const entities = await Project.query()
.with('task', (builder) => {
builder.select(Database.raw('sum(estimate) as estimate'))
.where({ account_id: accountId })