
Only Output Rule Alerts to Suricata EVE

I have Suricata setup as HIDS on a couple of lab instances, and wrote some sample rules to alert on custom User-Headers and internal IPs I can easily trigger for purpose of teaching someone how to use Suricata.

For an advanced use case, I want to output the EVE JSON file somewhere downstream for eventual data analytics and BI use cases.

For that purpose, I want to drop the "noise" from EVE, or have a way for the fast.log to be output in JSON.

For instance, this is what I would consider "noise" as I want to just see triggered


I would only want to see stuff like this from fast.log [**] [1:200002:6] ET USER_AGENTS Suspicious User Agent (BlackSun) [**] [Classification: A Network Trojan was detected] [Priority: 1] {TCP}

So is there a way to get only the Alerts in EVE, or a way to transform Fast.log into JSON?


  • Found an answer for myself again.

    On Line 60 in the YAML, there is a value you can set to "No" for stats - that will eliminate probably 80% of the noise you have. You can go further an eliminate metadata for DNS, TLS, TCP, HTTP, etc. to further reduce your log file if needed.