
How to interleave two string vectors with equal signs?

I am trying to interleave two string vectors into a vector of, I believe, quosures with equal signs. Here is an example:

a <- c('coef_name1', 'coef_name2')
b <- c('clean_name1', 'clean_name2')
desired_output <- c('coef_name1'='clean_name1', 'coef_name2'='clean_name2')

As a first step I have tried interleaving, i.e.

c(rbind(a, b))

but I'm kind of stuck beyond that. I also tried creating a short quosure by hand, but

quo(a[1] = b[1])

does not work (it does work with '+' though)..

I need this, because I want to change the displayed coefficient names in coefplot::coefplot with the argument newNames. See page 9 of its documentation: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/coefplot/coefplot.pdf

Then I can do

coefplot::coefplot(model, newNames = desired_output, intercept = FALSE)


  • The coefplot documentation describes newNames as a "Named character vector of new names for coefficients"

    # b is a character vector without names
    b <- c('clean_name1', 'clean_name2')
    # give it names
    a <- c('coef_name1', 'coef_name2')
    names(b) <- a
    # now b is a named character vector
    # so this should work
    coefplot::coefplot(model, newNames = b, intercept = FALSE)