Based on the advice in this post I am trying to get the serif font (or 'family' of fonts) installed into R so that I can save ggplots as .eps files. Though the suggestion provided worked I would like to try to resolve the issue for future use.
Here's code to generate the issue.
df <- data.frame(xVar = rnorm(1e4,0,1), yVar = rnorm(1e4,2,1), zVar = rnorm(1e4,4,1))
t <- bayesplot::mcmc_trace(df)
Now when I go to save the figure...
ggplot2::ggsave(filename = "tPlot.eps",
plot = t,
device = "eps",
dpi = 1200,
width = 15,
height = 10,
units = "cm") throws the error
Error in grid.Call(C_stringMetric, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label)) :
family 'serif' not included in postscript() device
In the previous post the answerer suggested I download the extrafont
I ran
But the serif font did not appear to be installed.
Then I tried
font_addpackage(pkg = "serif")
But I got the error
Error in font_addpackage(pkg = "serif") :
Unknown font package type: not type1 or ttf.
Does anyone know how to install the serif font so R can recognise/use it?
With package extrafont
the fonts must be installed before being made available to users. This is done with function font_import
font_import() # This takes several minutes
Now we can see what are the fonts installed and available. From the documentation, help("fonts")
Show the fonts that are registered in the font table (and available for embedding)
fonts_installed <- fonts()
serif1 <- grepl("serif", fonts_installed, = TRUE)
sans1 <- grepl("sans", fonts_installed, = TRUE)
fonts_installed[serif1 & !sans1]
sum(serif1 & !sans1)
#[1] 458
There are 458 fonts available.
Another way to see the font table is with function fonttable
but the fonts returned are not necessarily available for embedding. From help("fonttable")
Returns the full font table
Note that the function returns a dataframe, hence the call to str
below (output omitted).
df_font <- fonttable()
serif2 <- grepl("serif", df_font$FontName, = TRUE)
sans2 <- grepl("sans", df_font$FontName, = TRUE)
df_font$FontName[serif2 & !sans2]
Finally see if the graphing functions work on a postscript device.
df <- data.frame(xVar = rnorm(1e4,0,1), yVar = rnorm(1e4,2,1), zVar = rnorm(1e4,4,1))
p <- bayesplot::mcmc_trace(df)
ggplot2::ggsave(filename = "tPlot.eps",
plot = p,
device = "eps",
dpi = 1200,
width = 15,
height = 10,
units = "cm")