I want to update the button.title property of a NSStausItem in the status bar, when the user klicks a button in my settings view. However, the NSStatusItem currently does not change.
let statusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength:NSStatusItem.variableLength)
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
statusItem.button?.title = "A title"
func updateTitle(newTitle : String) {
statusItem.button?.title = newTitle
@IBAction func didKlickChange(_ sender: Any) {
AppDelegate().updateTitle(newTitle: "Updated title")
When I run the app the StatusBar show a new StatusItem with the title "A title". So good, so far. But when I klick on the button, the only thing that happens is that a new status item appears for a very short time next to the old status item. The old one does not get updated. Is there a proper solution for that?
Thanks for your help!
creates a brand new instance of the class which is not the instance you expect. You need the actual reference
@IBAction func didKlickChange(_ sender: Any) {
(NSApp.delegate as! AppDelegate).updateTitle(newTitle: "Updated title")