
Get the API response and store the data in to an array

I am trying to call an API from my Angular Application and get the data back use the data in to my front end. I get the response back but I am not sure how to get a specific field from the JSON and store them in to an array

 apiUrl = 'GetDatafromSys?prj=123;

 constructor(service: DataService) {
 service.get<any>(this.apiUrl).subscribe(x => {this.dataList = (JSON.stringify(x)); });

I get the dataList back as JSON like

    "Name": "Jack",
   "Name": "Joe",

I am not sure how to get the Name from the JSOn and store in a array so I can use it as a data source for a dropdown

  <dx-select-box [dataSource]=""


  • You can create an interface for your employee:

    export interface Employee{

    Now, you can modify your constructor eliminating your "any" for your interface of employee, and also add this type to your datalist.

     dataList: Employee[];
     apiUrl = 'GetDatafromSys?prj=123';
     constructor(service: DataService) {
     service.get<Employee[]>(this.apiUrl).subscribe(x => {this.dataList = x }); // here you assign your results to your datalist array

    And now, you can obtain the property of any element by accesing it's position. Or use a foreach function to obtain names o anything that you need. For example:

    public print(){
    this.dataList.forEach(element => {


    Hope this gives you and idea of how to store your information.