I'm trying to generate java code that depends on other variables. In this specific moment, I'm trying to generate the code depending on the protocol. So I can receive a CoapResponse object or a Response object form ( javax).
I don't know if it is possible instead of repeating all the code two times with the parameter different if I can reuse the same code and change only the variable in some way.
The code that I want to change is the following:
MethodSpec payloadInterpreter = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("payloadInterpreter")
.addParameter(Response.class, "getResponse")
And the Parameter it could be CoapResponse.class instead of Response.class.
I had the same problem with the Statements but I solved creating literals that use the information that the service received in runtime. An example:
if (MD.getMediatype().equals("JSON")){
ReadOutDeclaration="JSONObject readout= null";
GetReadOut="readout = getResponse.readEntity(JSONObject.class)";
and then:
MethodSpec payloadInterpreter = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("payloadInterpreter")
.addParameter(Response.class, "getResponse")
.addStatement("$L", GetReadOut)
.addStatement("System.out.println(\"Provider Response payload: \" + $L)",ReadOutPrint)
I don't know if I can do something similar to this with the parameters or even if there are other ways to do change the generation dynamically. Thank you in advance.
May be this helps:
MethodSpec.Builder payloadInterpreterMethod = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("payloadInterpreter")
if (condition) {
payloadInterpreterMethod.addParameter(Response.class, "getResponse");
} else {
payloadInterpreterMethod.addParameter(CoapResponse.class, "getResponse");
and once you want to add it to the TypeSpec, use: