My requirement is i need to call oracle function from spring boot application without using NATIVE query.
below is my oracle function which is taking Date as input
create or replace FUNCTION todate(src_dt IN date)
i was searching solution on internet but so far did't find. people are saying some custom dialect need to create but not found any perfect step by step link.
below is my java code :-
Query query1 = entityManager.createQuery("select todate(ActSubT.createdDt) from ActSubT ActSubT");
List<Object> result=query1.getResultList();
this code should run , as of now its giving error as todate is oracle function and i haven't configured anything in application.yml file.
below error i am getting
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException:
No data type for node:
\-[METHOD_CALL] MethodNode: '('
+-[METHOD_NAME] IdentNode: 'todate' {originalText=todate}
Please help
I am able to solve my issue .
step 1 :- i created custom dialect, below is my code..
public class CustomDialect extends Oracle12cDialect {
public CustomDialect() {
// CustomFunction implements SqlFunction
// registerFunction("custom_function", new CustomFunction());
// or use StandardSQLFunction; useful for coalesce
registerFunction("todate", new StandardSQLFunction("todate", StandardBasicTypes.DATE));
Step 2 :- now i am calling todate function , below is the Java code
Query query1 = entityManager.createQuery("select function('todate',ActSubT.createdDt) from ActSubT ActSubT where");
Object resulth=query1.getSingleResult();
Step 3 :- this entry we need to put in application.poperties / application.yml
# Allows Hibernate to generate SQL optimized for a particular DBMS =
That's all now i can call db function with java code.