
how to configure the AcquireCredentialsHandleA correctly

I am trying to set up a windows SSPI program to read authenticate the current user (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sspi/nf-sspi-acquirecredentialshandlea).

Strangely it is not working and giving me an error.

// MessageText:
// The token supplied to the function is invalid

The code I came up with is as follows.

    // Create an SSPI credential.
    Status = g_pSSPI->AcquireCredentialsHandleA(
    pN,                   // Name of principal          
    SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, // Flags indicating use
    NULL,                 // Pointer to logon ID
    cred_ptr,            // Package specific data
    NULL,                 // Pointer to GetKey() func
    NULL,                 // Value to pass to GetKey()
    phCreds,              // (out) Cred Handle
    &tsExpiry             // (out) Lifetime (optional)

I am failing to understand how to give the details of the credentials here. I want to use kerberos here.

The cred_ptr is suppose to be a pointer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/credssp/ns-credssp-credssp_cred But the MSDN just says


A pointer to a set of Negotiate credentials.

How do I exactly fill it in?? Does anyone have a better understanding of this?

Thank you for your time.


  • If using the kerberos provider you pass a SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY, not a CREDSSP_CRED.

    Take a look at AcquireCredentialsHandle (Kerberos), the page you were looking at is for the CredSSP but does not make that clear.