I am working on a Laravel project and have built a functionality to create dynamic subdomain which is really fine. here is the code of route.
Route::group(['domain' => '{subdomain}.{domain}.{ext}'], function($subdomain)
Route::get('/', 'UserController@userPage')->name('userPage');
Route::post('/', 'UserController@userPageSave')->name('userPageSave');
subdomain are working fine but as soon as i try to access the main domain , it takes the precedence over the subdomain
Route::get('/', function() {
return view('general.homepage');
so i put this main route code then i can't access the subdomain anymore. subdomain basically now shows whatever is in the main domain.. its frustrating.
From laravel documentation https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/routing#route-group-sub-domain-routing
In order to ensure your sub-domain routes are reachable, you should register sub-domain routes before registering root domain routes. This will prevent root domain routes from overwriting sub-domain routes which have the same URI path.