
Handling multiple formats in DateTimeFormatter

I am developing using Java 8 a function that must handle the conversion from String to LocalDateTime of the following dates:

The strings are produced from an external library that I cannot change.

Following the suggestions given in the SO answer Optional parts in SimpleDateFormat, I tried using the optional formatting offered by the type DateTimeFormatter, using the characters [ and ]. I tried the following patterns:

However, neither of them works.

Any suggestion?


  • You can build the pattern using DateTimeFormatterBuilder and reuse ISO_LOCAL_DATE and ISO_LOCAL_TIME constants:

        DateTimeFormatter formatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
                .appendLiteral(" ")
                .appendPattern("[ Z z]")
        ZonedDateTime dt = ZonedDateTime.parse(date, formatter);

    The trick is that DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_TIME handles the different number of digit used to represent milliseconds its own. From DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_TIME JavaDoc:

    This returns an immutable formatter capable of formatting and parsing the ISO-8601 extended local time format. The format consists of:
    One to nine digits for the nano-of-second. As many digits will be output as required.