(Edit: the following problem only seems to occur on my Samsung S10e. I just got home and tried Android View Client on a Pixel phone and I'm not having any problem.)
I'm automating the input process for a jetlag calculator android app Entrain. Using the culebra tool, I can find each of the views on the screen. But when I use the ViewClient.touch() method on a view, the program touches the view immediately above it on the screen.
For example, culebra lists these 2 views as the last views on the main menu of the app:
edu_umich_entrain___id_mainTableItem = vc.findViewWithTextOrRaise(u'Update Settings')
edu_umich_entrain___id_mainTableItem = vc.findViewWithTextOrRaise(u'Extras')
So I wrote this bit of code to touch the 'Extras' item:
vc = ViewClient(device, serialno)
vc.findViewWithTextOrRaise(u"Extras", root = 'ROOT').touch()
But it touches the 'Update Settings' view. (The same is true for any other view I touch.)
I've tried finding views with the findViewByIdOrRaise() method but I get the same result. I've tried the culebra GUI tool but it freezes when I click anywhere on the GUI.
I've written similar scripts to automate other android apps (Lutron, IAquaLink, Ankidroid) and they all work fine.
The coordinates for the 2 views are not overlapping, as revealed by getCoords:
print(vc.findViewWithTextOrRaise(u'Update Settings').getCoords())
((195, 1380), (945, 1566))
((195, 1575), (945, 1761))
If I calculate and touch the center of the 'Extras' view:
coords = vc.findViewWithTextOrRaise(u'Extras').getCoords()
x = (coords[1][0] + coords[0][0]) / 2
y = (coords[1][1] + coords[0][1]) / 2
vc.touch(x, y)
it still touches the higher 'Update Settings' view.
If I add 100 to the y axis of the center point, it finally touches the correct view. For now, I'll do that as a workaround.
coords = vc.findViewWithTextOrRaise(u'Extras').getCoords()
x = (coords[1][0] + coords[0][0]) / 2
y = (coords[1][1] + coords[0][1]) / 2 + 100
vc.touch(x, y)
Unfortunately, I don't have a Samsung S10e to test.
Nonetheless, you may find these tricks useful (I used a Pixel).
The bounds of the views can be obtained running
$ dump --bounds
for example
android.widget.LinearLayout ((0, 1210), (1080, 1381))
android.widget.ImageView edu.umich.entrain:id/img ((0, 1210), (171, 1381))
android.widget.TextView edu.umich.entrain:id/mainTableItem Update Settings ((171, 1210), (827, 1362))
android.widget.ImageView edu.umich.entrain:id/img2 ((827, 1210), (958, 1341))
android.widget.LinearLayout ((0, 1381), (1080, 1552))
android.widget.ImageView edu.umich.entrain:id/img ((0, 1381), (171, 1552))
android.widget.TextView edu.umich.entrain:id/mainTableItem Extras ((171, 1381), (827, 1533))
android.widget.ImageView edu.umich.entrain:id/img2 ((827, 1381), (958, 1512))
If you want to actually see every view individually you can use
$ mkdir imgs
$ dump --save-view-screenshots=$PWD/imgs/
and when finished, the directory contains a screenshot of each view, for example
this way you can determine if there's an offset or something else in the bounds obtained by AVC/culebra.
Lastly, if for some reason you have to apply a workaround that depends on your device model or vendor, you can do something like
device, serialno = ViewClient.connectToDeviceOrExit(**kwargs1)
if device.getProperty('ro.product.vendor.model') == 'Pixel':
# do something for pixel
Hope this helps.