I am looking to provide users with a size list that also compares against a threshold. if threshold is exceeded, that should generate a RED X mark. Otherwise, if threshold is not exceeded that should generate a green checkmark
I found this code:
$greenCheck = @{
Object = [Char]8730
ForegroundColor = 'Green'
NoNewLine = $true
Write-Host @greenCheck
That is fantastic but requires write-host... I can't just call it like this in other words @greenCheck
The splatting operator '@' cannot be used to reference variables in an expression. '@greenCheck' can be used only as an argument to a command. To reference variables in an expression use '$greenCheck'.
I found this other code here
$symbols = [PSCustomObject] @{
SMILEY_WHITE = ([char]9786)
SMILEY_BLACK = ([char]9787)
GEAR = ([char]9788)
HEART = ([char]9829)
DIAMOND = ([char]9830)
CLUB = ([char]9827)
SPADE = ([char]9824)
CIRCLE = ([char]8226)
NOTE1 = ([char]9834)
NOTE2 = ([char]9835)
MALE = ([char]9794)
FEMALE = ([char]9792)
YEN = ([char]165)
COPYRIGHT = ([char]169)
PI = ([char]960)
TRADEMARK = ([char]8482)
CHECKMARK = ([char]8730)
This one is perfect! but it doesn't have colors. How can I add colors to the object? Also, is there more symbols I can find like an X mark? Or would I have to just use good old 'X' char?
For a green checkmark and a red x try: "$([char]0x1b)[92m$([char]8730) $([char]0x1b)[91m×"
Some Links:
❌ https://emojipedia.org/microsoft/windows-10-october-2018-update/cross-mark/
How can I get Mocha's Unicode output to display properly in a Windows console?
The new Terminal allows change of the font size like other apps with CTRL+Wheel among other goodies.