I have a Mac Word VBA application where I need to read the NetBIOS name of the computer the application is running on. I can pickup the User Name and Computer Name with the following code, but I have not been able to figure out how to read the NetBIOS name.
Sub GetSystemInfo()
Dim Script As String, UserName As String, ComputerName As String, NetBiosName As String
Script = "set user to do shell script ""whoami"""
UserName = VBA.MacScript(Script)
Script = "computer name of (system info)"
ComputerName = VBA.MacScript(Script)
End Sub
Unfortunately, VBA on a Mac does not have a method to get at it directly, so I am looking for either a Mac Script or other programmatic method that would integrate smoothly with the VBA routine.
Any help is much appreciated.
AFAICS it is not an admin rights issue but a sandboxing one. Not sure that you can solve that without using AppleScriptTask and distributing/installing a suitable script with your docm/dotm. e.g.
The following works here for a user without admin rights:
Create an AppleScript called
~/Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.Word
containing the following code
on doit(dummy)
return (do shell script "defaults read /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.smb.server NetBIOSName")
end doit
Use VBA like this:
Sub getNetBIOSName()
Dim theName As String
theName = AppleScriptTask("getNBName.applescript", "doit", "")
Debug.Print theName
End Sub
(NB, you cannot use VBA Open/Print/Close to write the script to the com.microsoft.Word folder dynamically before invoking it, possibly also because of sandboxing.)