
NgSwitch - behaves unexpected , `No provider for NgSwitch` - exception getting

Here is my html:

<ng-container *ngIf=" !== ''">
    <ng-template [ngSwitch]="">
        <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'Page'">
            <div>{{getData(data,, col.dataName)}}</div>
        <ng-container *ngSwitchDefault>
            {{getData(data,, col.dataName)}}

When I implement the switch case as I did in the code above, I get this error:

No provider for NgSwitch ("<ng-template [ngSwitch]=""> [ERROR ->]<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'Page'">

Like I said, Until I use the ngSwitch, it was working properly. I have already imported the common module too...

Can anyone help me sort out this issue?


  • You cannot use [ngSwitch] on <ng-template>. You can either use it on HTML elements, or <ng-container>.