I am using googleapi package.
I want to get 'insightTrafficSourceDetail' from youtube analytics API.
Here is my code:
metrics: 'estimatedMinutesWatched,views',
dimensions: 'insightTrafficSourceDetail',
filter: 'video==[some_video_id];insightTrafficSourceType==YT_SEARCH',
startDate: '2019-01-01',
endDate: '2019-02-12',
ids: 'channel==MINE',
sort: '-estimatedMinutesWatched',
maxResults: 25,
Here is the response I am getting:
code: 400,
[ { message:
'The query is not supported. Check the documentation at https://developers.google.com/youtube/analytics/v2/available_reports for a list of supported queries.',
domain: 'global',
reason: 'badRequest' } ] }
Although in google docs, they have given the same request as sample request Top 10 – External websites that generate the most traffic for a video
metrics: 'estimatedMinutesWatched,views',
dimensions: 'insightTrafficSourceDetail',
filter: 'video==[some_video_id];insightTrafficSourceType==YT_SEARCH',
startDate: '2019-01-01',
endDate: '2019-02-12',
ids: 'channel==MINE',
sort: '-estimatedMinutesWatched',
maxResults: 25,
In the above code, It should be 'filters' not 'filter'. When I replaced it, it started working perfectly.
filters: 'video==[some_video_id];insightTrafficSourceType==YT_SEARCH',