I am using Dynamodb streams to do some work on records as they are added or modified to my table. I am also using Dynamoose models in my application.
The Dynamodb stream event passes an event object to my node.js lambda handler that includes the objects record.dynamoDb.NewImage
and record.dynamoDb.OldImage
. However, these objects are in DynamoDB's AttributeValue format including all of the data types ('S' for string), rather than a normal javascript object. So record.id
becomes record.id.S
Dynamoose models allow you to instantiate a model from an object, like so: new Model(object)
. However, it expects that argument to be a normal object.
I know that Dynamoose has a dynamodb parser, I think its Schema.prototype.dynamodbparse(). However, that doesn't work as expected.
import { DYNAMODB_EVENT } from '../../constant';
import _get from 'lodash/get';
import { Entry } from '../../model/entry';
import { applyEntry } from './applyEntry';
async function entryStream(event) {
await Promise.all(
event.Records.map(async record => {
// If this record is being deleted, do nothing
if (DYNAMODB_EVENT.Remove === record.eventName) {
// What I've tried:
let entry = new Entry(record.dynamodb.NewImage);
// What I wish I could do
entry = new Entry(Entry.schema.dynamodbparse(record.dynamodb.newImage));
await applyEntry(entry);
export const handler = entryStream;
So is there a way to instantiate a Dynamoose model from DynamoDB's AttributeValue format? Has anyone else done this?
The alternative, is that I simply extract the key from the record
, and then make a trip to the database using Model.get({ id: idFromEvent });
But I think that would be inefficient, since the record was just handed to me from the stream.
I solved it by using AWS.DynamoDB.Converter.unmarshall
to parse the object before passing to Dynamoose.
import { DYNAMODB_EVENT } from '../../constant';
import _get from 'lodash/get';
import { Entry } from '../../model/entry';
import { applyEntry } from './applyEntry';
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/DynamoDB/Converter.html#unmarshall-property
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var parseDynamo = AWS.DynamoDB.Converter.unmarshall;
async function entryStream(event) {
await Promise.all(
event.Records.map(async record => {
// If this record is being deleted, do nothing
if (DYNAMODB_EVENT.Remove === record.eventName) {
entry = new Entry(parseDynamo(record.dynamodb.newImage));
await applyEntry(entry);
export const handler = entryStream;