I have created one png image from http://bg.siteorigin.com/. The size of that image is 1kb which I am using as background-image on body tag.
I want to know --- If I use another image of 500kb(1,920px * 1,080px) it will take more time to load and 500kb data consumption also. So if I use this .png image(1kb) on repeat how much data it will consume.
body {
background-image:url("../path/imgName.png") ;
Does it make any difference for the same display size(1,920px * 1,080px)???
Your 1 kilobyte image will consume 1 kilobyte of data. Browsers generally only load resources once no matter how many times you use them on the same page.
Example in practice:
Despite being shown four times on this page, if you'll look in the network tab of your browser's developer tools you will see that it only loaded once.