
Preservice a state in python spyne (like a db connection)

I am using python v3.5 with the package spyne 2.13 running on a gunicorn server v19.9

I wrote a small SOAP Webservice with python spyne (working well). It takes a string and enqueues it to rabbitmq. It must not neccessarily be rabbitmq, but also a simple DB insert oslt. Right now it works fine, but each time the webservice is called, it

I'd like to somehow preserve the connection in some sort of 'instance variable' and re-use it everytime the Webservice gets called. So that it connects only once and not everytime i call the ws. Unfortunately spyne does not seem to create any objects, so there are no instance variables.

Generally: How can I preserve a state (DB or RabbitMQ Connection) when using spyne?


  • So I tried this Trick with static class properties like so:

    class Ws2RabbitMQ(ServiceBase):
        rabbit_connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
        rabbit_channel =
        def connectRabbit():
            rabbit_cred = pika.PlainCredentials(username='...', password='...')
            Ws2RabbitMQ.rabbit_connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
                host='...', virtual_host='...', credentials=rabbit_cred))
            Ws2RabbitMQ.rabbit_channel =
            print('Rabbit connected!')
        @rpc(AnyXml, _returns=Unicode)
        def exportGRID(ctx, payload):
                if not Ws2RabbitMQ.rabbit_connection.is_open:
                    print('RabbitMQ Connection lost - reconnecting...')
            except Exception as e:
                print('RabbitMQ Connection not found - initiating...')
                exchange='ws2rabbitmq', routing_key="blind", body=payload)
            print(" [x] Sent")
            return 'OK'

    When I call the webservice twice, it works. Now, the Connection is created only once and kept in the Singleton Property.

    Here is the scripts output:

    RabbitMQ Connection not found - initiating...
    Rabbit connected!
     [x] Sent
     [x] Sent