
Enable/disable kendo ui control dynamically

I want to enable/disable a kendo combobox based on the user's selection from a checkbox, which I am storing in a variable.

I already tried setting the variable to the enable property, but this is useful only when the control is being built-in.

Does anybody know If I can do this while creating the control?

<div id="fund" class="col-xs-3">
 input class="required" data-bind="title: $parent.selectedFund, 
  kendoComboBox: {
   placeholder: 'Start typing to search...',
   value: $parent.test,
   widget: $parent.searchSource,
   dataTextField: 'managerName',
   dataValueField: 'managerId',
   filter: 'contains',
   autoBind: false,
   minLength: 3,
   enable: overrideGlobalMapping, //this does not work for me even though the variable holds the correct value
   change: function(){ if(this.value() && this.selectedIndex == -1) 
    setTimeout(function () {$parent.selectedManagerId(null);}, 100);}},
    dataSource: {
    serverFiltering: true,
    transport: {
    read: $parent.retrieveManager
 }" />


  • I ended up wrapping the kendo combox definition in a function, so it now looks likes this:

    <input type="checkbox" id="overrideGlobalMappingCheck" onclick="SetFundsCombobox()" data-bind="checked: overrideGlobalMapping, enable: $root.canConfirmMapping" />

    The kendo combobox is still wrapped and has an id, which I later use to manipulate it in javascript:

    <div class="col-xs-3" id="funds">
        <input class="required" data-bind="title: $parent.selectedFund, 
            kendoComboBox: {
                placeholder: 'Start typing to search...',
                value: $parent.selectedManagerId,
        }" />

    And this is the JavaScript function bound to the onclick checkbox's event:

    function SetFundsCombobox() {
        var fundsDiv = document.getElementById('funds');
        var inputSelector = fundsDiv.getElementsByClassName('k-input');
        var span = fundsDiv.getElementsByTagName('span');
        if (document.getElementById('overrideGlobalMappingCheck').checked) {
            document.getElementById('funds').disabled = false;
            inputSelector[0].disabled = false;
        } else {
            document.getElementById('funds').disabled = true;
            inputSelector[0].disabled = true;

    I'd have rather preferred to perform this via the view model, but it works for now.


    I've been able to do this the right way (following the MVVM pattern), so now rather than wrapping the kendo combo box in a function, I added the following function in the view model:

    $scope.overrideGlobalMappingChecker = ko.computed(function () {
        if ($scope.entityMapping()) {
            var checkboxChecked = $scope.entityMapping().overrideGlobalMapping();
            $("#funds .k-input").prop('disabled', !checkboxChecked);
            if (!checkboxChecked) {

    So now, what the html only needs is the definition of the id in the div containing the combo box:

    <div class="col-xs-3" id="funds">
        <input data-bind="title: $parent.selectedFundName, kendoComboBox: {
        autoBind: false,
        }" />

    And that's it, it's a much cleaner/correct way to handle this.