I have an AutoCompleteTextView that will show a list of Hints when type in few keyword that match with its ArrayAdapter Data.
Currently, I have set an AdapterView.OnItemClickListener so when user click on the Hint, the soft keyboard on screen will be close.
What I trying to achieve :
I been search for how to set LongClickListener on Autocomplete, however I could not find any solution on the net.
I believe it is important to ensure the Click Listen able to obtain the position(in Int) or text data(in String) of the Hint as I would need to determine what are the Data that being selected and I can tell the Database to delete it.
My Questions:
How can I set a Long Click Listener for the AutoCompleteTextView that will also obtain the selected Hint position?
Any other solution that could help to resolve what I trying to achieve is welcome, thank you.
Note: I would like to keep the functionality of the hide soft keyboard when Hint is selected. I accept Answer In Java Language as well.
What I have done so far :
// Get an ArrayList<String> from database and declare to remarkList
val remarkList: ArrayList<String> = getDataFromDatabase()
// Set remarkList Data into ArrayAdapter
val adapter = ArrayAdapter(context!!, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, remarkList)
// Set ArrayAdapter to AutoCompleteTextView
// When click the hint selection, will trigger close keyboard function
autoComplete_remarks.onItemClickListener =
AdapterView.OnItemClickListener { _: AdapterView<*>, _: View, position: Int, _: Long ->
Have created the Custom Adapter Class for the AutoCompleteTextView, Basically This Custom Adapter, in the getView
function will create an Unique Individual Listener for each TextView
that will be pop out by the AutoCompleteTextView
Note: The TextView
results that pop out by the AutoCompleteTextView
is Customizable through inner class ListFilter: Filter()
and override fun publishResults(constraint: CharSequence?, results: FilterResults)
Custom Adapter Class
class AutoCompleteTextViewCustomAdapter(context: Context, resource: Int, data: ArrayList<String>): ArrayAdapter<String>(context, resource) {
private var mListener: IOnItemListener? = null
private var dataList: List <String>? = data
private val listFilter = ListFilter()
private var dataListAllItems: List<String>? = null
override fun getView(position: Int, view: View? , parent: ViewGroup): View {
var adapterView = view
// using Custom XML View
if (adapterView == null) {
adapterView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
.inflate(R.layout.list_row_text, parent, false)
val textView = adapterView!!.findViewById(R.id.textView) as TextView
textView.text = getItem(position)
// Custom OnClickListener Setup
textView.setOnLongClickListener {
mListener?.onLongClick("Pass Data")
// Custom OnClickListener Setup
textView.setOnClickListener {
mListener?.onSingleClick("Pass Data")
return adapterView
// Custom OnClickListener Setup
fun setListener(listener : IOnItemListener) {
mListener = listener
// Custom OnClickListener Setup that will be Called from the Activity/Fragment
interface IOnItemListener {
fun onLongClick(dataToBePass : String)
fun onSingleClick(dataToBePass : String)
// Custom Adapter Setup for AutoCompleteTextView
override fun getCount(): Int {
return dataList!!.size
override fun getItem(position: Int): String ? {
return dataList!![position]
override fun getFilter() : Filter {
return listFilter
inner class ListFilter: Filter() {
..// Filtering Logic
return results
override fun publishResults(constraint: CharSequence?, results: FilterResults) {
..// Filtering Logic
So, when each TextView
that pop out by the AutoCompleteTextView
being onClick or onLongClick, the override method in AutoCompleteTextViewCustomAdapter.IOnItemListener
will be called to perform logic function that you desire.
val adapter = AutoCompleteTextViewCustomAdapter(context!!, R.layout.list_row_text, dataList).also {
//Setup the OnClickListener what to perform when the TextView of the Adapter if being onClick
it.setListener(object : AutoCompleteTextViewCustomAdapter.IOnItemListener {
override fun onLongClick(dataReceived: String) {
override fun onSingleClick(dataReceived: String) {
// Set the adapter to the AutoCompleteTextView View that define in your XML File
So far this solution work for my Scenario, in short, to having a Multiple Click Listener to AutoCompleteTextView, we cannot use the Default Adapter as they only support Single onClickListener, so we have to Create Custom Adapter to customize and setup ALL the ClickListener to support multiple onClick Listener.