I want to use any kind of depth-first search to solve the 7 Liter and 5 Liter to 4 Liter Puzzle in SWI-Prolog
I have no idea how I could start..
I want to get 4 Liters in a Jug at the end
solve(JUG1, JUG2) :- fill(JUG1, JUG2), swap(JUG1, JUG2).
fill(JUG1,JUG2) :- JUG1 = 7, JUG2 = 5.
%i dont know about that
swap(JUG1, JUG2) :- JUG1 = JUG2.
I had the exact same problem to solve and I found my code on my PC for that:
We are using iterative deepening depth-first search to combine the advantages of a breath and depth search. With the following code we are trying possible combinations to reach our goal which is 4 liter at the end in one jug. If we find a solution we will print it accordingly.
% Iterative deepening depth-first search
dlDfs(Node, Path, DepthLimit, ReturnPath) :-
goal(Node), reverse(Path, ReturnPath);
DepthLimit > 0,
adj(Node,NewNeighbor), not(member(NewNeighbor,Path)),
L is DepthLimit-1,
dlDfs(NewNeighbor, [NewNeighbor|Path], L, ReturnPath).
idDfsLoop(Start, D, ReturnPath) :-
dlDfs(Start, [Start], D, ReturnPath)
L is D+1,
idDfsLoop(Start, L, ReturnPath).
idDfs(Start, ReturnPath) :- idDfsLoop(Start, 1, ReturnPath).
% [L,R] L is 7 liter, R is 5 liter
adj(X,Y) :- adj0(X,Y).
%fill up
%Swap over to another canister
adj0([X,Y],[Z,U]) :- X+Y =< 5, Z is 0, U is X+Y ; X+Y > 5, Z is (X+Y) mod 5, U is 5.
adj0([X,Y],[Z,U]) :- X+Y =< 7, Z is X+Y, U is 0 ; X+Y > 7, Z is 7, U is (X+Y) mod 7.
%empty the cansiter
solution(Start, Return) :- idDfs(Start, Return).
You can call the solution predicate as following:
solution([0,0], R)
One of the solutions should be for example
R = [[0, 0], [7, 0], [2, 5], [2, 0], [0, 2], [7, 2], [4, 5]]
If you have any questions feel free to answer.