
How to parse rabbitmq status output?

I installed RabbitMQ on Linux, it's a great piece of software.

When I run this command:

sudo rabbitmqctl status

I get a mess of output:

     [{rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","3.1.5"},
      {rabbitmq_web_dispatch,"RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher","3.1.5"},
      {mochiweb,"MochiMedia Web Server","2.7.0-rmq3.1.5-git680dba8"},
      {rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Management Agent","3.1.5"},
      {os_mon,"CPO  CXC 138 46","2.2.7"},
      {inets,"INETS  CXC 138 49","5.7.1"},
      {xmerl,"XML parser","1.2.10"},
      {mnesia,"MNESIA  CXC 138 12","4.5"},
      {amqp_client,"RabbitMQ AMQP Client","3.1.5"},
      {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.1.10"},
      {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","1.17.5"},
      {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.14.5"}]},
     "Erlang R14B04 (erts-5.8.5) [source] [64-bit] [rq:1] [async-threads:30] [kernel-poll:true]\n"},

It looks like JSON, but it's not.

What data format is this? And how did you find out?

Closest thing I can find is this: http://erlang.org/doc/man/yecc.html


  • rabbitmqctl has a --formatter flag to request JSON formatted output optionally available. For instance:

    sudo rabbitmqctl status --formatter json | jq .disk_free_limit