I am trying to get the number of days, after the last modification of a given file.
Following code gives me 18135
when checked for a file which is just been modified.
public class IOExamples {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get("zoo.log"); // zoo.log was just been modified
The output is just a number -
Please help me get the number of days.
To get the difference between now, you could use:
Duration.between(Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toInstant(), Instant.now())
Note that this may fail if Instant.now()
returns a value less than Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toInstant()
which is possible.
See relevant Duration::between javadoc
As per @RealSkeptic comment, you may also use the DAYS enum constant from ChronoUnit:
long days = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toInstant(),
Note that the warning about failing if Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toInstant()
is greater than Instant.now()
does not apply: it will simply return a negative number.