I have 10000 posts and each post have many comments. I need to calculate all comments count when i take posts.
'post_1' => [
'comments' => [
'comment_1' => 'trst comment',
'comment_2' => 'trst comment',
'comment_3' => 'trst comment',
'post_2' => [
'comments' => [
'comment_1' => 'trst comment',
'comment_2' => 'trst comment',
'comment_3' => 'trst comment',
'post_3' => [
'comments' => [
'comment_1' => 'trst comment',
'comment_2' => 'trst comment',
'comment_3' => 'trst comment',
there are total 9 comments. i want get this count.
In laravel is possible to get count of hasMany relation of one row
I need like this:
i dont want use foreach because my server may get down.
You could do in at least two ways.
$posts = Post::withCount('comments')->get();
$total = $posts->sum('comments_count');
model (in your case, I'll go for this approach):$total = Comment::count();