im trying to implement the GSOC background subtractor from openCV.
fgbg = cv.bgsegm_BackgroundSubtractorGSOC()
fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame)
but this gives me following error:
fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame)
TypeError: Incorrect type of self (must be 'bgsegm_BackgroundSubtractorGSOC' or its derivative)
fgmask = cv.bgsegm_BackgroundSubtractorGSOC.apply(frame)
gives me this error:
fgmask = cv.bgsegm_BackgroundSubtractorGSOC.apply(frame)
TypeError: descriptor 'apply' requires a 'cv2.bgsegm_BackgroundSubtractorGSOC' object but received a 'numpy.ndarray'
The documentation for .apply() says i only need to supply an inputarray (the frame), the output location and the learning rate. Changing .apply(frame)
to .apply(frame, output, -1)
does not fix the error
how do i correctly implement a bgsegm_BackgroundSubtractorGSOC object and use it on my image?
i read this post but it seems i am failing a step before that already
GSOC and the other background subtraction methods (other than MOG2 and KNN) are located in the extra modules and require the opencv-contrib library to be installed. Once it is installed, the module can be used by writing:
backSub = cv.bgsegm.createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC()