
How can I detect programmatically if the Android Device is in Dark Mode?

I'm trying to support the Android Q Dark theme for my Android app and I can't figure out how to import different assets based on the theme I'm currently in.

Im using the official DayNight theme for making the dark/light versions and for drawables is very easy to just point to the XML and it will choose the correct value either from values or values-night depending on what is enabled.

I wanted to do something similar where depending on the theme it would load either the asset "priceTag_light.png" or "priceTag_dark.png".

val inputStream = if(darkIsEnabled) { 
                  } else {

Is there a way I get that flag?


  • Okay finally found the solution I was looking for. As @deepak-s-gavkar points out the parameter that gives us that information is on the Configuration. So, after a small search I found this article that gives this example method that has worked perfectly for what I wanted:

    fun isDarkTheme(activity: Activity): Boolean {
            return activity.resources.configuration.uiMode and
                    Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES