I am very new in both pmml and android field.I had follow the code in https://github.com/jpmml/jpmml-android/tree/master/pmml-android-example but EvaluatorUtil symbol cannot be resolved.So I follow suggestion in android and import org.jpmml.evaluator.EvaluatorUtil but now createEvaluator symbol cannot be resolved
private Evaluator createEvaluator() throws Exception { AssetManager assetManager = getAssets();
try(InputStream is = assetManager.open("pmml.pmml.ser")){
return EvaluatorUtil.createEvaluator(is);
If you use gradle you need to import library like this in your app gradle file :
implementation group: 'org.jpmml', name: 'jpmml-evaluator-spark', version: '1.0.0'
then Sync and it's all :)