Here is what I am trying to do:
The screenshot is taken from a 6s iPhone.
I have been working in AVAudioPlayer and I would like to draw a waveform which looks look like the first screenshot. I am using FDWAVEFORMVIEW Github pods to draw waves. but I m confused how to draw same waves.
@IBOutlet weak var soundWaveView: FDWaveformView!
func createSoundWave() {
soundWaveView.delegate = self
soundWaveView.alpha = 0.0
soundWaveView.audioURL = mainTrackURL
soundWaveView.zoomSamples = 0 ..< soundWaveView.totalSamples / 3
soundWaveView.doesAllowScrubbing = true
soundWaveView.doesAllowStretch = true
soundWaveView.doesAllowScroll = true
soundWaveView.wavesColor = .lightGray
soundWaveView.progressColor = UIColor.init(red: 46/255, green: 188/255, blue: 191/255, alpha: 1.0)
func waveformViewWillRender(_ waveformView: FDWaveformView) {
startRendering = Date()
func waveformViewDidRender(_ waveformView: FDWaveformView) {
endRendering = Date()
NSLog("FDWaveformView rendering done, took %0.3f seconds", endRendering.timeIntervalSince(startRendering))
profileResult.append(String(format: " render %0.3f ", endRendering.timeIntervalSince(startRendering)))
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.25, animations: {() -> Void in
waveformView.alpha = 1.0
func waveformViewWillLoad(_ waveformView: FDWaveformView) {
startLoading = Date()
func waveformViewDidLoad(_ waveformView: FDWaveformView) {
endLoading = Date()
NSLog("FDWaveformView loading done, took %0.3f seconds", endLoading.timeIntervalSince(startLoading))
profileResult.append(String(format: " load %0.3f ", endLoading.timeIntervalSince(startLoading)))
Question: How to show the same waves as the original image(first screenshot)?
Can someone please explain to me how to draw same, I've tried to draw these waves but no results yet.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Ah, waveform drawing... From the looks of it, you're probably going to need to fork this and make your changes, because the FDWaveformRenderOperation
doesn't support this style.
It looks like you can modify the plotWaveformGraph
method in FDWaveformRenderOperation
to achieve this. Currently, it iterates over every sample in the buffer, but if instead, you maintain an index
that's incremented every nth sample (the bar "width") plus the bar "spacing," you can get this appearance. This is a naive approach, to be clear. Ideally, you'd average the samples in a "bar" and draw that value.
This is NOT compiling code, but should give you a place to start.
let barWidth: CGFloat = 2.0
let barSpacing: CGFloat = 2.0
var x = 0
while x < samples.count { {
let sample = samples[x]
let height = (sample - min) * sampleDrawingScale
context.move(to: CGPoint(x: CGFloat(x), y: verticalMiddle - height))
context.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: CGFloat(x), y: verticalMiddle + height))
context.setLineWidth(barWidth) // note: stroke width straddles the path, so play with this
x += barWidth + barSpacing
Humble plug, but you can see how I do this in my waveform drawing framework. This is generally proof of concept and unoptimized. :)