Scenarios to automate is:
I installed an application and logged in successfully. There is an "App Lock" feature which closes the application. I clicked on App Lock and application is closed. Now, I need to open application again without installing and login.
In short scenario is like:
1. Install and login to application.
2. Close the application.
3. Reopen the application.
Expected result:
Application should be opened and post login screen should be displayed
Used below capability but application is reinstalled and Sign-Up (prelogin) screen is displayed
I search for answer and found below capability but it didn't worked.
File appDir = new File(appDirr);
File app = new File(appDir, "appName");
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
caps.setCapability("deviceName", "Samsung Galaxy S8");
caps.setCapability("appPackage", "appPackageName");
caps.setCapability("appActivity", "appActivityName");
caps.setCapability("platformName", "Android");
caps.setCapability("app", app.getAbsolutePath());
appiumDriver = new AppiumDriver<MobileElement>(new URL(""), caps);
Please let me know how can I automate this scenario.
Remove following capability:
caps.setCapability("app", app.getAbsolutePath());//This installs the application
Use this method:
You should know your application appPackage
and appActivityName