
How to assign value of *ngFor loop variable to angular dynamic component's @Input property?

Here is complete rewrite of the question because it seems it was poorly written.

I am trying to use this package:

for dynamic component @Input() with ngFor loop variable.

The package's author has answered a question that seems to address my exact case. However I don't get it to work like proposed in the answer:

<div *ngFor="let tabComponent of tabComponents()">
     [ndcDynamicInputs]="{ tabItem: tabComponent }"

TabContainerComponent's tabComponents -array is like this:

  public tabComponents: ITabComponent[] = [
    { name: 'SelectedObjects', icon: 'selected-objects', isSelected: true, component: SelectedObjectsComponent },
    { name: 'DummyComponent1', icon: 'pin', isSelected: false, component: DummyComponent },
    { name: 'DummyComponent2', icon: 'selected-objects', isSelected: false, component: Dummy2Component } 

and all the dynamic tab component have:

@Input() tabItem: any;

According to documentation I should add ndcDynamicInputs:inputs like below (and not inline in html:

<div *ngFor="let tabComponent of tabComponents()">

The problem is how to define the inputs-array in the ts class:

inputs = {
  // how to assign tabComponent?
  tabItem: ??

So how to assign the value of the How to assign value of *ngFor loop variable to angular dynamic component's @Input property?


  • Instead of [ndcDynamicInputs]="inputs", have you tried [ndcDynamicInputs]="{ tabItem: tabComponent }" ?