
Convert Number Stored as Text in Excel File Using R

I would like to output data from R to an excel file, and have been using the openxlsx package.

writeDataTable is the function I have been using. The problem is that I want the entries of one of the columns to be a mixture of numbers and text. As a column of a dataframe in R must have all the same type of entries, everything gets converted to character entries.

When I open the excel file that is outputted I get the little green triangle in the corner of the number cells, telling me that they are a number stored as text and giving me the option to convert to number.

I'm wondering is it possible to get R to convert this for me in the Workbook Object that is created before saving the file.

I've spent a lot of time googling the problem, looking for different libraries that might help, but haven't been able to find anything so far. I have an example below. Note that this isn't the exact data frame I am using, but is for demonstrative purposes.

df = data.frame(A = c('Dog', '5', '7.04'), B = c('Cat', '12', '1.23'))
wb = createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, "Sheet2")
writeDataTable(wb, "Sheet2", df)
output_file = "C:\\Users\\johndoe\\documents\\excel_file.xlsx"
saveWorkbook(wb, output_file)

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • Here's a way, but it will be painfully slow.

    ### unchanged
    df = data.frame(A = c('Dog', '5', '7.04'), B = c('Cat', '12', '1.23'))
    wb = createWorkbook()
    addWorksheet(wb, "Sheet2")
    writeDataTable(wb, "Sheet2", df)
    ### this is the new part
    for (cn in seq_len(ncol(df))) {
      for (rn in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
        if (!is.numeric(df[rn,cn]) && ! <- as.numeric(as.character(df[rn,cn])))) {
          writeData(wb, "Sheet2", val, startCol = cn, startRow = 1L + rn)
    ### unchanged
    saveWorkbook(wb, output_file)

    The catch is that this is writing one cell at a time.

    Ways to improve this: