
Bootstrap modal pop is going top of Iframe

I have an app which contains an iframe which open the bootstrap modal pop up on click of a button, the problem which I am facing is that pop-up stick to the top of iframe container and not relative to element which opens it, the modal pop up works fine when I open it iframe app as standalone. I am using

Iframe resizer

jquery library to resize the Iframe too.


  • I fixed it by using the windows.postMessage() and window.addEventListener() features, i calculated the topoffset and current scroll position on parent application using below code:

      window.addEventListener('scroll', function (event) {
            var myIframe = document.querySelector('#wizardIframe');
           var topOffset = myIframe.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY;
         var currentScroll = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
          myIframe.contentWindow.postMessage(topOffset + ':' + currentScroll, '*');

    In Iframe application used below code to get these values and use them to set the padding to modal pop up on click on button which opens it :

     window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
            var messageContent = event.data.split(':');
            var topOffset = messageContent[0];
            var currentScroll = messageContent[1];