I am writing a Python code to generate Catalan numbers using the mathematical formula given here:
C(0) = 1 and C(n) = (2(2n − 1) / (n + 1)) * C(n − 1) per this website here. (https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Catalan_numbers)
However, when I am writing it in python as a function, it gives me false results.
eg: For 20 answer should be 6564120420.0 while my code gives me 344373768.
def catalan(cat_input):
if cat_input==0:
return 1
return (((4*cat_input) - 2) / (cat_input + 1)) * (catalan(cat_input-1))
Can someone help me figure this out please ?
The problem is when dividing /
. As-is the result (of the division itself, before multiplying) may not be whole number, and since /
in python2 is by default int-division the decimal part gets "cropped" and you get the wrong results.
There are couple ways to fix that (pick your favorite):
(((4*cat_input) - 2) / (cat_input + 1)) * (catalan(cat_input-1))
use (((4*cat_input) - 2) * (catalan(cat_input-1)) / (cat_input + 1))
, that way you are guaranteed to get whole number after divisionfloat
to force float division: (float((4*cat_input) - 2) / (cat_input + 1)) * (catalan(cat_input-1))
from __future__ import division
to "activate" python3-like divisionEdit: In general (at least in python) it is advised not to use recursion if possible, as it is not efficient and you may run to problems like recursion limit