
Using cJSON issue in reading JSON array elements

I am writing a small piece of c code to parse json array elements using cJSON library in gcc. The parsing is successful but printing of array elements turn up as null. Not sure what is the issue.

Need to pass json array input of src, dst and list of device indexes.

output of validation

First data:

    "NPCDevMoveReqList": [{
            "srcPid": "1",
            "destPid": "2",
            "devIdxs": ["1", "2", "3"]
            "srcPid": "1",
            "destPid": "3",
            "devIdxs": ["4", "5", "6"]

Second data:

    "NPCDevMoveReqList": [{
        "srcPid": 1,
        "destPid": 2,
        "devIdxs": [1, 2, 3]

File path & compilation method

gcc -L cJSON/ -lcjson jsonchk.c -o jsonchkary.o
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ccode/cJSON


#include "stdio.h"
#include "cJSON/cJSON.h"
//gcc -L cJSON/ -lcjson jsonchk.c -o jsonchk.o
//export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ccode/cJSON

int parsejsonstr(void)
    char jsoninput[500] = { 0 };
    snprintf( (char *)jsoninput, sizeof(jsoninput), 

    printf("jsonstrinput>>:%s\n", jsoninput);

    cJSON *jSON_devmove_data = cJSON_Parse(jsoninput);
    if(jSON_devmove_data == NULL)
        printf("\nError moveDevicesJsonArray mvJsonArrayBuf:%.24s mvJsonArrayBuf:%d main parsefail",
                            jsoninput, strlen(jsoninput));

    cJSON * json_devmove_reqlist = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jSON_devmove_data, "NPCDevMoveReqList");
    if(jSON_devmove_data == NULL)
        printf("\nError moveDevicesJsonArray mvJsonArrayBuf:%.24s mvJsonArrayBuf:%d reqlist parsefail", 
                                jsoninput, strlen(jsoninput));

    int idx=0;
    cJSON* jsrcPid = NULL;
    cJSON* jdstPid = NULL;
    cJSON* jdevIdxs = NULL;

    for (idx = 0 ; idx < cJSON_GetArraySize(json_devmove_reqlist) ; idx++)
        cJSON * json_subitem = cJSON_GetArrayItem(json_devmove_reqlist, idx);
        if(json_subitem == NULL)
            printf("\nError moveDevicesJsonArray mvJsonArrayBuf:%.24s mvJsonArrayBuf:%d idxsub parsefail", 
                                    jsoninput, strlen(jsoninput));

        jsrcPid = cJSON_GetArrayItem(json_subitem, "srcPid"); 
        jdstPid = cJSON_GetArrayItem(json_subitem,"destPid");
            jdevIdxs = cJSON_GetArrayItem(json_subitem, "devIdxs");

        printf("\n>>>moveDevicesJsonArray aryidx:%d src:%s dst:%s devidxs:%s <<\n",
            idx, jsrcPid, jdstPid, jdevIdxs);           

    return 1;

void main(void)
    int rval = parsejsonstr();
    printf("jsonparsestr call res>>:%d\n", rval);


First try: [ccode]$ ./jsonchkary.o jsonstrinput>>:{"NPCDevMoveReqList":[{"srcPid":"1","destPid":"2","devIdxs":["1","2","3"]},{"srcPid":"1","destPid":"3","devIdxs":["4","5","6"]}]}

>>>moveDevicesJsonArray aryidx:0 src:(null) dst:(null) devidxs:(null) <<

>>>moveDevicesJsonArray aryidx:1 src:(null) dst:(null) devidxs:(null) <<
jsonparsestr call res>>:1

Second try:

[ccode]$ ./jsonchkary.o

>>>moveDevicesJsonArray aryidx:0 src:(null) dst:(null) devidxs:(null) <<


  • Your main problem is that you are calling cJSON_GetArrayItem instead of cJSON_GetObjectItem. The properties are part of an object, not directly part of the containing array. Switch the calls and the code you have shown will mostly work.

    Other, minor stuff:

    The compiler could have told you about all of these, had you enabled warnings. When using GCC, always use the flags -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic. Also, tell the compiler which C standard you using by giving one of -std=c90, -std=c99, -std=c11 or -std=c18.