I'm working on an Android TV app that plays a video and I'm using PlaybackSupportFragment to implement the on-screen controls. I am, however, not able to fully hide the secondary actions (thumbs up, thumbs down, repeat, ...). Actually I was able to hide the buttons, however the "three dots" button still stays there. And I have not figured out how to hide this "three dots" button.
I tried not to add any secondary actions buttons. But no luck. There are no secondary buttons but the "three-dots" button is still there.
public class MySupportFragment extends PlaybackSupportFragment {
MyPlaybackControlGlue myGlue = new MyPlaybackControlGlue(context);
myGlue.setHost(new PlaybackSupportFragmentGlueHost(this));
public class MyPlaybackControlGlue extends PlaybackControlGlue{
protected void onCreateSecondaryActions(ArrayObjectAdapter adapter) {
//Do not add any secondary actions to the adapter
protected void onCreatePrimaryActions(SparseArrayObjectAdapter adapter) {
//No need to add any other actions here. The Play/Pause action is enough.
I think I figured it out.
Do not add any secondary actions in the "onCreateSecondaryActions" method.
But also call following method so that the "three dots" button is not shown.
For example like so
protected void onCreateControlsRowAndPresenter() {