
Meaning of ST and OP fields in dumpsys netstats output

I am running the adb shell dumpsys netstats detail command to obtain details of the network usage, however, I do not know the meaning of all the acronyms that has the result of this command.

In the documentation of the dumpsys tool they explain the meaning of rb, rp, tb and tp, but not that of st or op.

Anyone know what it means?

This is a fragment of command output.

defaultNetwork=true}] uid=10127 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0
    NetworkStatsHistory: bucketDuration=3600
      st=1567522800 rb=1275 rp=5 tb=876 tp=5 op=0
      st=1567526400 rb=6697 rp=41 tb=7359 tp=38 op=0


  • st is the bucketStart timestamp and op is number of operations.