
.fbx Model grayed out can can't be edited

I have models created with 3D Studio Max.

When I save as .FBX and import into Unity 3D they become grey. What's the reason of this and how can i solve it?

Also i have huge troubles with performance of model on mobile. What's the best approach to get app faster?


  • When I save as .FBX and import into Unity 3D they become grey. What's the reason of this and how can i solve it?

    I've gone through the same issue when importing the following 3D Data Visualization model

    3D Data visualization model

    The model was created using Cinema4D and exported as .fbx.

    When i imported into Unity using drag and drop, I got the following result

    3D DataVis model

    As we can see from looking at the Inspector (image above) the material is grey and can't be edited, the textures were not imported. The materials of the default assets cannot directly be edited but there's a way to go around it.

    I've created a new material (right click in assets > Create > Material)

    New Unity material

    Gave it a new name (green) and changed Albedo to green.

    New Unity material albedo

    And dragged the material to the cube

    Cubes's color

    The end result now looks like expected

    End result

    Also i have huge troubles with performance of model on mobile. What's the best approach to get app faster?

    It can be tricky to develop mobile VR apps but the game window has an info panel that displays useful live information (Use Stats button in the Game window to enable it)

    Unity Game Stats

    There we can read how many SetPass calls, Batches and polygons are being drawn. Aim for 50 SetPass calls, that's a good number accordingly to Unity experts.

    About optimizing performance, some very good developers already explain in detail how to optimize your scenes. I suggest the following links