
In VS Code file searching, can I expand (or collapse) all results?

In the Search pane of the program, after I hit Enter, all files are listed, with some expanded to show results in a file, and others collapsed. I'm wondering firstly what determines the expansion of any given file, and secondly what I can do to expand all of them at once.

This question seems closest to mine, but it's about a different IDE, and the key commands it suggests for Windows had no apparent effect: Automatically expand all in Eclipse Search results


  • With vscode v1.89 (it is in the Insiders Build now), there is a context menu option when you right-click on a folder in the Search Results:

    Expand Recursively

    This would be helpful if you had the Search: Collapse Results setting set to default or alwaysCollapse (mentioned below). Then you could right-click a particular folder you want to open (and its child folders) without having ALL the search results folders open by default.

    There is also a command search.action.expandRecursively you can bind to a keybinding to do the same:

      "key": "alt+x",       // choose your keybinding
      "command": "search.action.expandRecursively"

    If a folder is focused in the Search Results, then triggering this command will recursively open only it and its subfolders.

    See this setting:

    Search: Collapse Results in the Settings UI or

    search.collapseResults: alwaysExpand in your settings.json file

    The options are auto,alwaysCollapse, and alwaysExpand. auto is the default.

    auto: Files with less than 10 results are expanded. Others are collapsed.

    So you want the alwaysExpand option.

    You can also toggle any file expanded/collapsed with the Space key or just expand any collapsed file with RightArrow.

    Collapse with LeftArrow and collapse all with Ctrl+LeftArrow. Oddly, there is no expandAll binding or command.

    And see for a command to collapse all the results that you can set to a keybinding:

    workbench.files.action.collapseExplorerFolders as in

      "key": "alt+l",    // whatever you want
      "command": "search.action.collapseSearchResults",
      "when": "searchViewletFocus"   // if you want to limit it when focus is already on the search results area

    in your keybindings.json.

    v1.41 is making expanded search results the default, see

    Expand all search results by default

    Previously, if a full text search returned more than 10 results in a single file, it would appear collaped in the results tree. However, this sometimes made finding a particular result difficult, so with this release all results will appear expanded. You can set search.collapseResults to auto to revert to the old behaviour.

    And see Visual Studio Code - Include context in search results for showing the search results in an editor.