
PlantUML object layout control is not working, how to deal with that?

rectangle "System Architecture" as map {
    rectangle "Problem" as problem {
        rectangle "Quantity" as quantity {


    rectangle "Soluation" as solution {
        rectangle "Flow 1" as flow_1 {

        rectangle "Flow 2" as flow_2 {

        flow_1 -down[hidden]-> flow_2
        rectangle "Flow 3" as flow_3 {

        flow_2 -down[hidden]-> flow_3
        rectangle "Flow ..." as flow_ {

        flow_3 -down[hidden]-> flow_
        rectangle "Flow N" as flow_n {

        flow_ -down[hidden]-> flow_n

    problem -right[hidden]- flow_3


I want problem laying left of solution, so I think problem -right-> solution can make it, but it turns out neither -left- nor -right- can make any change, problem lays right anyway, what should I do?

SO tells me there mostly code out there, so here I am forced to make some bullshit, I think layout control of PlantUML is horrible, no one knows what is the result during development, OK, here it is


  • When I defined the rectangles in the other order and adjusted the arrow between problem and flow_3 it looks OK to me.

    rectangle "System Architecture" as map {
        rectangle "Soluation" as solution {
            rectangle "Flow 1" as flow_1 {
            rectangle "Flow 2" as flow_2 {
            flow_1 -down[hidden]-> flow_2
            rectangle "Flow 3" as flow_3 {
            flow_2 -down[hidden]-> flow_3
            rectangle "Flow ..." as flow_ {
            flow_3 -down[hidden]-> flow_
            rectangle "Flow N" as flow_n {
            flow_ -down[hidden]-> flow_n
        rectangle "Problem" as problem {
            rectangle "Quantity" as quantity {
        problem -[hidden]> flow_3

    Result in the plantuml web service:

    Maybe a source of some ideas: