Hello I have this issue where I want to take the input values from textarea1 which will be for example: "300pcs, 200$" on the first line and "500pcs, 400$" and so on, to perform an increase of price based on the number of pieces(I used to have it with inputs and it worked, but I was told I need a textarea). The result of the calculation would be something like : textarea2 "300pcs,220$" and line 2 "500pcs, 540$" increased by the appropriate percentage. My issue is, I need to extract the numbers from every line in the text area to perform the calculation and it doesn't seem to work as thought it would..
namespace App\Presenters;
use App\Forms\FormFactory;
use Nette\Application\UI\Form;
use Nette\Database\Context;
use Nette\Utils\ArrayHash;
class HomepagePresenter extends BasePresenter
* @var Context
* @inject
public $database;
* @var FormFactory
* @inject
public $formFactory;
protected function createComponentCalculationForm(): Form
$form = $this->formFactory->create();
$form->addSelect('supplier', 'Dodavatel:', $this->database->table('suppliers')->fetchPairs('id', 'supp_name'));
$form->addSubmit('calculate', 'Spočítat');
->setHtmlAttribute('class', 'totalPrice')
$form->onSuccess[] = function (Form $form, ArrayHash $values): void {
$selectedSupp = $values->supplier;
$userInput = $values->user_input;
$lines = $array = explode("\n", $userInput);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
preg_match_all('/[\d]+/', $line, $numbers);
list($quantity, $price) = $numbers[0];
$modifier = $this->database->fetch('SELECT percentage FROM prices WHERE supplier_id = ? AND max >= ? AND min <= ?', $selectedSupp, $quantity, $quantity);
$total = round($price + ($price / 100) * $modifier->percentage);
$form['result']->setValue("$quantity Ks, $total Kč + DPH");
return $form;
My guess is that you likely might want to write an expression with less boundaries, such as
or if not, for just that same format in the question,
might simply work.
For testing, you might want to write some function and call it in the loop you wish to do things, such as:
$str = '
300pcs, 200$
301pcs, 201$
301pcs, 201.5$
301.2pcs, 201$
300pcs, 200$
500pcs, 400$
310pcs , 220.22$
550 PCS, 540.5$
301pcs 220.$
502 pcs, .54 $
303 PCS ; $220.6
504 pcs, $540.4
500 pcs, . $';
function extractPiecesPrices($str)
$re = '/^(\d+)pcs,\s(\d+)\$$/m';
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
foreach ($matches as $key => $value) {
if ($value[2] != "") {
print($value[2] . " is price\n");
// do some math on prices
if ($value[1] != "") {
print($value[1] . " is pcs\n");
// do some math on pieces
200 is price
300 is pcs
201 is price
301 is pcs
200 is price
300 is pcs
400 is price
500 is pcs