
kubeadm compatibility between "--cri-socket" flag and "init phase" argument

I'm trying to set which cri-o socket to use by kubeadm !

To achieve this I should use the flag --cri-socket /var/run/crio/crio.sock

The current command is in the form kubeadm init phase <phase_name>. I must add the --cri-socket flag to it.

I edited the command this way kubeadm init --cri-socket /var/run/crio/crio.sock phase <phase_name>.

Unfortunatly I am getting the error Error: unknown flag: --cri-socket.
=> It seems that the argument phase <phase_name> and the flag --cri-socket /var/run/crio/crio.sock is not compatible.

How do I fix that ?

##################Update 1######################

File : /etc/kubernetes/kubeadm-config.yaml

apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta2
kind: InitConfiguration
  bindPort: 6443
certificateKey: 9063a1ccc9c5e926e02f245c06b8xxxxxxxxxxx
  name: p3kubemaster1
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
  criSocket: /var/run/crio/crio.sock


  • I see two things that may help:

    1. Check /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env if it is properly configured.

    In addition to the flags used when starting the kubelet, the file also contains dynamic parameters such as the cgroup driver and whether to use a different CRI runtime socket (--cri-socket).

    More details can be found here.

    1. Check your init config file (kubeadm init --config string will show you the path do the configuration file) and try to add something like this:

    apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: InitConfiguration
      criSocket: "unix:///var/run/crio/crio.sock"

    Please let me know if that helped.