
Ignore a class in a autowired directory

I have an Exception somewhere in my service/ folder, and Symfony is trying to autowire it :

Cannot autowire service "App\Service\Order\Exception\StripeRequiresActionException": argument "$secretKey" of method "__construct()" is type-hinted "string", you should configure its value explicitly.

This is my class :

class StripeRequiresActionException extends \Exception
     * @var string
    protected $secretKey;

    public function __construct(string $secretKey)

        $this->secretKey = $secretKey;

     * @return string
    public function getSecretKey(): string
        return $this->secretKey;

I don't want it to be autowired. Is there an easy way to prevent this class to be loaded by the DI, with an annotation for example? I know I can exclude this class in my yaml configuration, but I don't want to do that because I find this ugly and harder to maintain.


  • Maybe you could exclude all exceptions, no matter where they are.

    If all your exceptions follow the pattern you show in your question, you could do something similar to:

      resource: '../src/*'
      exclude: ['../src/{Infrastructure/Symfony,Domain,Tests}', '../src/**/*Exception.php']

    This comes directly from a project I have open right here. The default exclude for Symfony looks somewhat different. But the important bit would be to add the pattern *Exception.php to the excluded files.

    This is simpler to maintain than an annotation, even if an annotation were possible (which I believe it's not). Keeps the configuration all in a same place, you can create new exceptions without having to change configuration or add unnecessary code.