
erlang/elixir parse OCSPResponse (asn.1)

Is there any way to parse OCSP response in erlang/elixir? Probably I don't understand something, but it is ASN.1 type OCSPResponse fails


Also I have tried download and compile:

asn1ct:compile("/Users/edenlab/workspace/ocsp_client/ocsp.asn1", [ber, verbose]).

but it fails with a list of errors:

OCSP-2009:8: 'ATTRIBUTE' is not exported from PKIX-CommonTypes-2009
OCSP-2009:8: 'EXTENSION' is not exported from PKIX-CommonTypes-2009
OCSP-2009:180: illegal OBJECT IDENTIFIER
OCSP-2009:181: illegal OBJECT IDENTIFIER

Is there something like OCSP lib in Ruby?


  • elixir code

    with {:CertificateList, tbs_certs, _, _} <- 
    :public_key.der_decode(:CertificateList, data),
    {:TBSCertList, _, _, _, _, {:utcTime, ts}, certs, _} <- tbs_certs do