Cucumber doesn't recognize the String parameter what I would like to use it as currency. It only recognise int value. (It finds the steps because other steps works)
@When("I deposit {int} of {string}")
public void testDeposit(int value, String currency) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
It shows the following error message:
There were undefined steps. You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:
@When("I deposit {int} of GBP")
public void i_deposit_of_GBP(Integer int1) {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new cucumber.api.PendingException();
@Then("My balance is {int} of GBP")
public void my_balance_is_of_GBP(Integer int1) {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new cucumber.api.PendingException();
What can be the problem?
{string} Matches single-quoted or double-quoted strings, for example "banana split" or 'banana split' (but not banana split).
For your currency code that does not have any quotes (nor any spaces), you want {word}
, so:
@When("I deposit {int} of {word}")