
Where can i find the mongoexport command in suse os?

When i install the mongodb with the command zypper in mongo, then i got mongodb 4.2 installed in my os. Few days after, i am gonner to backup the data in db. But i can not find the command mongoexport.

When i try to install it with the comand zypper se mongoexport, i got nothing

The version of mongodb is 3.4.10

host1:/usr/bin # mongo -host -port 2222
MongoDB shell version v3.4.10
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.10

I will appriciate it so much if anyone provide some method to install the command.


  • The version of mongodb is too old, when i upgrade to mongodb 4.2, it contains the mongoexport/mongoimport tools in it.