I'm using WPF (.NET 4.5) and VB.NET with MVVM Light. A Button
in my Toolbar
binds to a RelayCommand
of the underlying VM. The Button
looks like this in XAML:
<Button Command="{Binding Path=BringLayerForwardCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding SelectedLayer}">
Underlying command is declared like this in the ViewModel:
Public Property BringLayerForwardCommand As New RelayCommand(Of Layer) _
(Sub(p) BringLayerForward_Executed(p), _
Function(p) p IsNot Nothing AndAlso _
Me.Layers IsNot Nothing AndAlso
(p.ZOrder < Me.Layers.Where(Function(l) l.IsFront = p.IsFront).Max(Function(l2) l2.ZOrder)))
The Button behaves like this at runtime:
part (2nd parameter of RelayCommand constructor above) never gets hit.Button
gets enabled. After removing the lambda part, the above command looks like this:
Public Property BringLayerForwardCommand As New RelayCommand(Of Layer) _
(Sub(p) BringLayerForward_Executed(p), _
Function(p) p IsNot Nothing AndAlso _
Me.Layers IsNot Nothing)
Is this a bug or am I really missing something obvious?
Further investigation tells that if I move the entire anonymous function to a regular function, it all starts working just fine. Really seems like a bug.
I thought you may want some closure on this issue ;).
I suspect it was "Issue 7721: Closures not working with RelayCommand" see: http://www.mvvmlight.net/installing/changes.
This bug has been fixed in 5.4.1.