I'm trying to change some words inside a variable that contains a table.
I was able to do it using a foreach with -replace but then I can't form again the table.
1st try
$vms = Get-AZVm -status | Select-Object -Property Name, ResourceGroupName , PowerState
$tabla = foreach ($item in $vms) {
$item.PowerState -replace 'VM Deallocated','Apagada' -replace 'VM running','Encendida'
} | Format-Table
2nd try
$vms |foreach{$_.PowerState -replace 'VM Deallocated','Apagada' -replace 'VM running','Encendida'} | Select-Object -Property Name, ResourceGroupName , PowerState | format-table -autosize
I expect after the replacement of text inside the table to leave the same as a table and not text
I cannot test this myself, but I think using a calculated property would be easiest:
$vms = Get-AzVM -status |
Select-Object -Property Name, ResourceGroupName,
@{Name = 'PowerState'; Expression = {($_.PowerState -replace 'VM Deallocated','Apagada') -replace 'VM running','Encendida'}}
$vms | Format-Table -AutoSize