Basically I have a simple server name ( non FQDN ) and im trying to identify in which DNS zone it has A record
We have multiple DNS zones in our environment.
As i cant rely on PTR records im trying to use DIG module to look for a A record with zone name as variable. Once the A record is found, i want to use that zone name. Unfortunately im not able to put all the above together in ansible code
i've tried following
- name:
found: "{{found+[ lookup('dig', ('{{ dns_name }}.{{item.1}}'), 'qtype=A' , flat=0)] }}"
domain: "{{ item.0 }}"
ok: [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] => {
"found": [
This generates the list of items but i dont know how to match these items with the list of zones or how to add the index into this list.
Any help would be very welcome
It's possible to create a dictionary instead of the list and select valid records with json_query. The play below gives the list of the zones with the valid record
- set_fact:
found: "{{ found|default({})|
combine({ item: {
'rec_a': lookup('dig',
dns_name ~ '.' ~ item,
flat=0)}}) }}"
loop: "{{ zones }}"
- set_fact:
dns_domains: "{{ found|
json_query('[?value.rec_a != `NXDOMAIN`].key') }}"